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Why Use WPF Chart Control for Data Representation

WPF Chart Control for Data Representation

Windows Presentation Foundation offers a simple and consistent way of accumulating and presenting data. WPF Chart has the ability to gather data from various sources in the form of CLR objects and XML. It constitutes of several common user interface components that are utilized in a number of Windows applications.

If you know what techniques to use to improve your user interface, it will boost the performance of the other applications. WPF Chart helps increase your system’s productivity by handling the data efficiently and displaying it in a more customized way.

Here are two main reasons why you should consider WPF Chart control for data representation. Keep in mind that you can develop Android WPF charts and iOS WPF charts with SciChart, but let’s get back to why WPF Charts should be considered for data representation:

1. Customized Management of Data

Handling a large quantity of data can be challenging not only when you’re trying to do it manually, but also for your system even when you try to do it with an application. Big data ultimately means bigger data representation and larger displays.

The application you use might be able to process the data but it will affect the system’s performance. This is because the standard layout system forms a layout container for every associated item with the list control.

It figures out the layout size and position based on individual items and displays them all.

Usually, you do not require the entire data to be on display but a subset at a certain time. User interface virtualization allows you to have custom control over the items and you can use WPF Chart for specific data representation.

2. Optimized Templates for Data Display

WPF Chart offers a wide range of templates to represent data. If you’re looking for an option to represent a multiple data series over a period of time, but want the chart to be a basic horizontal bar graph, WPF chart control can allow you to do that and compare the series as well.

Besides, you can avail options such as bar stacked, column, column stacked, line, line stacked, line rotated, and line symbol graphs with WPF chart control, too. Other than a bar and line graph, there are spline charts, step charts, scatter and pie charts, radar and polar graphs, histogram, and specialized charts as well.

You can calculate percentages and compare multiple series of data in various forms and have accurate data visualization. You can place images and rotate the chart lines and position to customize the template as per preference.

If you want to make the best use of the acquired data to understand your organizational performance and customer behavior, WPF Charts can streamline the process for you by allowing you to manage and use data as per your convenience and need. To learn more, contact SciChart as they can have the data representation solution for you!

Loretta Alicia
Hy, My name is Loretta Alicia. The freelancer and content writer. today's technology plays a very important role in our life and we need to understand the new technology.

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